Friday, September 12, 2008

13/09/2008 Greece: The Symposium Begins

Well, last night I stayed out with Yilderim (after Annie had left from our dinner of Κοκορέτσι on the plateia), Anna Batsi and Kelly (Dina's boss at the Φροντιστεριον, a private school where students go to learn more after their ludicrously short school days of four and a half hours). We talked about pretty much everything Greek, especially politics and how Northern Greece actually survives (most people here have government jobs, so the answer here is the EU). Kelly (an Australian Greek) seems to be very well connected - which is a great thing for Annie, but not so good for me (I got my hair ruffled by the Prime Minister's right-hand-man, the Minister for Development in Greece).

Anyway, today we're heading off to the Symposium, which starts properly tomorrow. Whilst most people who aren't geologists will think of this as a serious scientific meeting, I think it's best to point out the Ancient Greek root for the word.

Symposium: A drinking party in ancient Greece, usually with music and philosophical conversation (from the Greek συμποτές "drinker with another").

I hope nothing changes!

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