Thursday, July 23, 2009

23/07/2009 Greece VI: Portitsa and the strike-slip mystery

Well, today we decided to pay a visit to Portitsa and its bridge (see photo). Before we got there, we took several pictures of the haze, collected some impressive rudistids from Orliakas Mountain, and saw pillow lavas and three lumps of limestone in the Portitsa Valley (which I'm going to call the 'Three Kings') apparently pushed up during strike slip faulting along the boundary of the Mesohellenic. In the valley itself we saw some impressive onion skin weathering in molasse at the base of the limestone cliff (on the path from Spilion) and I did a little panning. It was pretty hot and humid by the river, and so after a brief stop for lunch we made a hasty retreat, taking three dips and strikes of the base of the molasse before returning to the Blazer. None of us believed the temperature inside the car when we arrived back - there's no way it was only 25C!

By the time we got back into the car, we were all quite hungry again. Instead of making the journey all the way back to Grevena, we decided to pay a visit to Aetofolias (the Eagle's Nest) for some food. The last time I was here we were visited by a fox, and I lay on the road in the middle of the night, and stared up as the Pleiades Meteor shower produced a cosmic firework display above my head. It was slightly earlier this time, so no foxes or shooting stars, but I did get to enjoy the gorgeous alpine scenery around us whilst eating loukanika and some delicious karpouzi.

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